JERSEY GODS pin up by Joe Infurnari.
Mark Waid will begin his JERSEY GODS back up story in issue 3 starting in April. This, the first of four consecutive six pagers by Waid, sets the stage for his ten thousand year-old war story that tells the tale of a crucial battle in the history of gods of Neboron. The artist of Waid’s epic is Eisner web comic nominee, Joe Infurnari – “The Transmigration of Ultra-Lad.”
Mark Waid will begin his JERSEY GODS back up story in issue 3 starting in April. This, the first of four consecutive six pagers by Waid, sets the stage for his ten thousand year-old war story that tells the tale of a crucial battle in the history of gods of Neboron. The artist of Waid’s epic is Eisner web comic nominee, Joe Infurnari – “The Transmigration of Ultra-Lad.”